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About us

The Threatened Planet newsletter, issued on a monthly basis, consists of curated information gleaned from over 30 print and online news sources where reliable information is provided on the health of the environment and the efforts to remedy problems facing the planet. We constantly monitor a diverse list of sources – ranging from the Detroit Free Press, The Detroit News, national sources like The New York Times, The Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Time and Newsweek, the major newspapers on both the east and west coasts and the southern states, major publications from Europe, a variety of scientific journals and government websites, along with newsletters from environmental groups, as well as a wide-ranging list of other reliable print and online news outlets.

The Threatened Planet newsletter knows no set geographical boundaries — if we find information about the challenges to the planet and possible solutions to problems, be it in Michigan, the rest of the country or in other nations, we provide it to you here.

For those concerned about the environment, we do the legwork by aggregating relevant information from a wide swath of sources and attempt to offer links mostly to those sources not restricted by a paywall.

Research and composition of the Threatened Planet newsletter is the work of
Austen Hohendorf.
and newsletter is an offering of Downtown Publications.

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